Terrence Shulman welcomes you to The Shulman Center
After working as an alcohol and drug counselor from 1997-2004, I founded The Shulman Center for Compulsive Theft, Spending and Hoarding in 2004 to address the growing—yet under-treated—epidemics of compulsive stealing, spending and hoarding. Over the last 15+ years, The Shulman Center has been on the cutting edge of writing about, presenting on, treating, training and collaborating with others to address these disorders. I’ve worked with people of diverse backgrounds—in person, by phone, and via video chat and conferencing—from around the globe. It’s been an incredible journey, an honor, and a privilege to be trail-blazing new frontiers in understanding and helping others reclaim their lives. Let us make a lasting difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

1987 BA English Literature-University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)
1991 JD Law Degree-Detroit College of Law (Detroit, MI)
1997 MSW (Masters in Social Work)-University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)
2004 – present Founder/Director, The Shulman Center for Compulsive Theft, Spending & Hoarding
2004 – present Certified Professional Coach / GROW Training Institute, San Diego, CA
2000 – present Corporate Counselor & Consultant (loss prevention, stress reduction, employee potential)
1992 – present Attorney-at-law (specializing in criminal defense & mental health law)
2000 – 2004 Part-time substance abuse counselor (Personalized Nursing LIGHT House, Inc.)
2003 – 2004 Part-time counselor (Clean House Holistic Treatment Center, Southfield, MI)
1997 – 1998 Substance abuse counselor (Personalized Nursing LIGHT House, Inc. Plymouth, MI)
1998 – 2000 Director (Personalized Nursing LIGHT House, Inc.)
1992 – present CASA (Cleptomaniacs And Shoplifters Anonymous) support group metro-Detroit
1999 – 2008 kleptomaniacsanonymous.com and various other web sites (www.hoardingtherapy.com)
2000 – CASA-online@yahoogroups.com (E-mail support group-international)
2004 – Founder/Director, The Shulman Center for Compulsive Theft, Spending and Hoarding
2010 – shoppersandspenders@yahoogroups.com(e-mail support group-international)
Author of:
Something for Nothing: Shoplifting Addiction and Recovery (2003)
Biting The Hand That Feeds: The Employee Theft Epidemic (2005)
Bought Out and $pent! Recovery from Compulsive $hopping and $pending (2008)
Cluttered Lives, Empty Souls: Compulsive Stealing, Spending and Hoarding (2011)
CONSULTANT/EXPERT/PRESENTER (Also visit the Media Page and the Video Archives for more)
2011 – organized & presented at 3rd Int’l Conference on Compulsive Theft, Spending & Hoarding, Detroit
2008 – organized & presented at 2nd Int’l Conference on Compulsive Theft & Spending, Detroit
2005 – organized & presented at 1st Int’l Conference on Theft Addictions & Disorders, Detroit
2004 – 2018 presented at over 30 conferences, including National Association of Social Workers (Michigan) Conf. 2005/2008/2010/2011; 2007 Kentucky CPA’s Annual Conference; 2006 Michigan Financial Managers Conference; 2009 Foundations Recovery Process Addictions, Las Vegas; 2011 West Coast Symposium Addictive Disorders, Palm Springs; 2010 Radio Shack Loss Prevention Conference
The Shulman Center Team

Tina M. Shulman, CMT
Creative Director Tina has been a certified massage therapist since 1987. Tina and Terry married in 2002 and she has been The Creative Director of The Shulman Center since its founding. She is an integral partner in our center's success. She assists with marketing, administration for travel and presentations, proofreading, research, and occasional bodywork with clients.

Bam Bam (Shih-tzu)
Therapy dog extraordinaire! Bam Bam was born in October 2004--around the same time The Shulman Center was founded. He came to us in January 2014 from a local family who could no longer care for him. Born blind in one-eye and completely blind since 2016, he brings joy, calmness, and love wherever he goes.