How much do you have to buy to feel good enough?
Do you shop when you're anxious, then the debt makes it worse?
You CAN break that vicious circle / control your spending.
Overshopping / Overspending
How much would you have to buy in order to fill the emptiness you feel? Are you allowing others, advertisers and our consumer culture to define you? Do you want to keep working the rest of your life just afford your lifestyle and expenditures.
Welcome to Shopaholics Anonymous. Terrence Shulman has extensive experience helping recovering overspenders and overshoppers, and has been featured as an expert on The Today Show, The Early Show, MTV, Women’s Entertainment Network TV, The Montel Show and more.
The Shulman Center can help you beat your spending/shopping addiction and give you the tools you need to live the life you want to live. Find out if you are a compulsive shopper or spender and how The Shulman Center’s specialized, intensive counseling program can help you.
You may also want to visit Debtors Anonymous at
Reports vary, saying that between 5% and 9% of Americans have compulsive shopping disorders.
Our program provides compassionate, confidential and non-judgmental counseling, giving you the tools you need to change your life. The Shulman Center Program [link Counseling page] has been continually evolving and fine-tuning from its earliest successful results. Expert Therapy/Counseling sessions are available by phone with Terrence D. Shulman JD, LMSW, ACSW, CAAC, CPC — attorney, addictions counselor, and expert on shopping/spending addictions. Typically, 90% of our clients enroll in and successfully complete the basic program.
Our goal is to educate individuals and the community at large about the complex motivations and recovery treatment process for these behaviors, while emphasizing personal responsibility and accountability.
Why do people overspend/overshop?
- Grief and loss (to fill a void)
- Anger/Feeling Life is Unfair (to get back/make life right)
- Depression (to get a lift)
- Anxiety/Stress (to comfort or soothe)
- Acceptance/Competition (to fit in)
- Power/Control (to feel empowered or in control)
- Boredom/Excitement (to live on the edge)
- Shame/Low Self-esteem (to distract from feelings of worthlessness)
- Entitlement/Reward (to compensate for over-giving or sacrifice)
- Rebellion/Initiation (to break into one’s own identity)
Consequences of Overspending/Overshopping:
- Loss of time
- Loss of respect
- Loss of relationships
- Loss of health
- Loss of self-esteem
- Embarrassment of others
- Loss of focus
- Loss of reputation
- Loss of property
- Other Legal Issues
- Loss of finances

The Shulman Center offers counseling services via Skype, by phone, or videoconferencing.

Bought Out and $pent, Recovery from Compulsive $hopping and $pending, written by Terrence Shulman, has helped countless recovering overspenders and is used in conjunction with his counseling program.

The benefits of personal support could make all the difference.
There are many support groups across the country that meet locally or over the phone. Find the one right for you at

Cluttered Lives, Empty Souls, Compulsive Stealing, Spending & Hoarding, written by Terrence Shulman, has helped countless people with addictive behaviors and is used in conjunction with his counseling program.

Get the facts about shoplifting and types of shoplifters.
What is the difference between Kleptomania and Addictive-Compulsive Stealing?
Answer 20 Questions to find out if you are a compulsive shoplifter.
Read articles written by Mr. Shulman and others.